Monday, February 06, 2006

Bartholomew Trip

This is where the trip began at the Junction of the Russell and Swim Road and the South Branch of the Bartholomew River at 9:40 am. The river height at the Blackville measuring station was two metres and I wouldn't try the trip if the water level were any lower. The top stretch is low, and although we didn't have to carry the canoe or get out, we had a few tight fits. Lovely day (weather ) in May. GPS reference 46.36.929N 66.19.590W
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About .5 KM from the start, the North Branch puts in . This is below that point. From foreground to background: Neil Amos, Terry Amos (host) and famed outdoorsman (self-proclaimed) Jim Mills. Posted by Picasa
The Alvin Storey Bridge. Halfway there. From left to right Neil and Mitchell Amos having refreshments after the arduous journey.12:26 pm. 46.38.033N 66. 13.702W

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John Veno's camp. A very nice spot close to the river. The camp was open and we availed ourselves of John's hospitality and propane stove. 46.38.235N
66.09.594W Posted by Picasa